Author Archives: John Russell

5 Reasons to Use Video for Your Business

  It’s no secret that video content can be very a powerful part of a marketing strategy to grow a brand or business. Today’s technology has made the creation of video extremely easy and attainable to anyone with a smart phone. Yet, video content is still often an afterthought for many, but should be a […]

Streamline Social Media Marketing

  Social media marketing is a time consuming process no matter what industry you’re in. Things have changed; no more is it all about sharing great content. You have to spend time monitoring and analyzing what is working and not working in your efforts as well as engaging with your followers. Your efforts on social […]

What’s Bad About Social Media?

  Social media has had a powerful impact on the ways companies market themselves online. This shift towards online has been hard for many companies to adjust to. Because social media provides open channels of communication for customers, it can often lead to negative comments or reviews. If you’re focused on your social media, monitoring […]

What’s Good About Social Media?

  We all love social media, whether you like to admit it or not. Platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have ingrained themselves into society–TV, newspapers, magazines–it’s just about everywhere we look. Sure, everything about SM isn’t great, but these are some ways social media can benefit your business. As a small business it can […]

Sales Conversion

  The final step in our series on the Sales Marketing Process for Small Businesses is the sales conversion. You have created attractive content and built relationships with consumers for a loyal following, but do these fans actually mean business? With social media you usually reach potential customers earlier in the sales process. It also […]

Optimal Times to Post on Social Media

  Social media is one of best ways to distribute the content that your business is creating ­– blog posts, images, videos, testimonials, etc. But some times are better than others rather than just posting to social media when ever you feel like it. So, what is the optimal time to post on social media? […]

How to Develop Relationships Using Social Media

  Now that you have created an audience with the content you have been putting up and engaging with prospects, you have to develop a relationship. The trust with prospects is how you turn them into customers. Now, I know must of us know we have to make relationships with our customers in order to […]

All Purchase Decisions Are Made By People

We recently touched on the importance of being a sales resource for business owners.  Here’s a well stated summary of a recent article by Gavin Finn of Kaon Interactive. According to a paper by Gavin Finn, president & CEO of Kaon Interactive, posted by Chief Marketer, B2C and B2B marketers must look at both the […]