Author Archives: John Russell

How to drive your supervisors crazy in 10 Easy Steps!

I recently met Julie Allemagne while I was counseling at SCORE.  As with my philosophy of helping others I have invited Julie to blog on The Business Source LLC blog.  She’s an expert in Human Resources.  Enjoy her post. John How to drive your supervisors crazy in 10  Easy Steps! #10.      Do not clearly […]

Determination, Will, Drive and Passion

I was listening to talk radio yesterday and Mark Belling from WISN in Milwaukee was talking about people that accomplish extraordinary things. Bob Lang from Delafield built Erin Hills golf course with the intention of having it become the site for the U.S. Open golf championship. Senator Herb Kohl built Whistling Straits near Kohler and […]

Legend and Leader

Over my 30 year career in sales and sales management John Wooden’s name and principles popped up about once a year in various training discussions. His recent passing creates an opportunity to pause and reflect on his greatness.  Seldom in our history do we come across great leaders that are completely authentic and live by […]

Social Media

I’ve been fascinated by all the buzz and hype surrounding the topic of social media.  When I decided I wanted a blog to go along with my website, I didn’t realize that I was ahead of the curve.   I wanted a blog to share ideas and educate. Over the past year or two companies and […]


In my opinion, value gets created when there is an exchange of knowledge, goods or services where the provider exceeds the customers  expectations.  Value occurs when the recipient feels they’ve received as much or more benefit than they expected,  sometimes for a price, sometimes at no cost.  What’s your definition of value and how do […]

Thinking about a new laptop?

In today’s Wall Street Journal, Walter Mossberg provides a concise cheat sheet to help clarify some of the issues that makes buying a new laptop easier. Walter has been providing IT advice in the WSJ for as long as I can remember.  Here’s a summary of Walter’s recommendations. Cost:  Windows thin and ultrathin laptops can […]

Small Business Development Center

Recently I was honored to be invited to the 30th Anniversary celebration of the Wisconsin Small Business Development Network in conjunction with the Wisconsin Entrepreneurial Network.  This was a great event to celebrate the service and support that the Small Business Development centers provide for startups and entrepreneurs across Wisconsin. Three years ago I applied […]

Focus and Energy

It’s been just over a month since my last post.  WOW has it been busy.  Too busy to write.  Too busy to think clearly about what to write. A friend I met at Wizard Academy last July has an incredibly powerful blog and he writes and posts every day 365 days a year.  He gets […]

Radio Sales Training

We all face a continuous set of challenges.  In our personal lives we do the best we can to be a productive member of society, to create positive experiences with our families and along the way work to maintain good friendships with people we trust and enjoy good company with.  Each of our challenges is […]

Personal Development

Over my 25 year career I’ve been fortunate to be the recipient of great sales and business training.  My library has over 60 books written by the best business experts, consultants and trainers.  Even though I’ve read them all, I consistently re-read those that pertain to specific disciplines I’m involved with in helping my clients. […]