Author Archives: John Russell

The Circle of Life

From time to time, we’re struck by the loss of someone close to us.  Yesterday a friend of mine passed into eternal life.  Gregg and I got to know each other through business and became friends.  That’s the kind of guy Gregg was.  He had great vision, great dreams and was a true entrepreneur.  He […]

Innovation and Momentum

Maintaining high levels of communication with your team is essential to creating the energy necessary to achieve momentum through innovation.  Company information needs to flow from person to person and top to bottom across all internal company operations.  From financial updates to in-field sales reports and market observations, a steady flow of information in real […]

Dealing with the Price Objection

Sooner or later in the life of every salesperson the infamous price objection will rear its ugly head.  The reality is that buyers want to spend as little as possible.  Salespeople want to maintain high maintained margin and don’t want to be viewed as a commodity for which there is no customer loyalty. So how […]

Interior designers create stimulating, productive work environments

How does hiring a professional interior designer impact the appeal of your workspace?  As a designer learns about your corporate culture and mission, he or she will be able to show how design can help achieve corporate goals. A businesslike approach to workplace design means getting key decision-makers to think about how a workplace can […]


It wasn’t until I actually worked in a design firm that I started to become more aware of design.  Design is defined as: 1a. To conceive or fashion in the mind; invent: design a good excuse for not attending the conference.b. To formulate a plan for; devise: designed a marketing strategy for the new product. […]

The Referral Game

Without a doubt, referrals are the best source of qualified leads.  When friends, business associates or clients recommend you and your company to someone they know, your odds of bringing home the bacon increase. When you receive a referral you have pre-approved authority to conduct business with the person referred to you.  It’s a matter […]

16 Natural Opportunities to Win or Lose a Sale

Sales people are constantly searching for ways to maximize their opportunities to increase their sales.  In 2005 I had the great pleasure to work with a sales coach on my team named Kevin Patrick.  He has since moved into a new position as Sales Manager with a successful company.  Kevin wrote a little booklet to […]


Over my 30+ years in sales, sales management and sales training, I’ve developed a different understanding about how timing affects the sales process and individual response.  I remember times when I simply could not understand why someone would not return my call, agree to my proposal or why someone would cancel our sales agreement.  In […]

Setting Goals for 2010

Where do you start?            With yourself! Things Leaders Do – General Electric Jeff Immelt on 10 keys to great leadership. 1. Take Personal Responsibility Build teams and place others first.  It’s not about you. 2. Simplify Constantly Clearly explain the top three things you’re working on. 3. Understand Breadth, Depth and Context How do you […]

Don’t Forget About Reciprocity

It’s the holiday season and after a long day of pounding the pavement and making sales presentations you finally get home.  After hanging up your coat, you pour yourself a little bit of holiday cheer, sit down and go through your mail.  Lo and behold you find a Christmas card from someone you hadn’t even […]