Author Archives: John Russell

Trying to Get on the Ladder

Today there are many unemployed professionals and young college graduates looking to get on the career ladder.  Those trying to get onto the ladder and planning to move up, are proof that it’s possible to advance all the way to the top. At times we’ve all been in each of these positions.  There are those […]

Merry Christmas!

Christmas 2009 Year after year we anticipate the change of season’s and welcome each holiday with joy and anticipation.  Several holidays’ stand out each year as national events giving everyone a much needed break.  There’s one holiday that stands out above them all.  Christian’s around the world come together to celebrate the birth of our […]

VHQ Project Management and Sales Pipeline Software for Small Businesses

The Business Source is strategically focused on providing single source solutions to increase sales for small businesses, sales people and executives who want to explore new ways, simple systems and actionable strategies to protect and expand their customer base. As life is a journey so is business.  Along the way, we cross the paths of […]

The Art of Negotiating

It’s been said that if two people want to do business together, nothing will get in their way.  If they don’t want to do business together, anything will get in the way. Negotiation is a part of life and here are some points to consider. 1.  Throw your fears out of the window. Don’t worry […]

Pre-Meeting Preparation

Each of us approaches the initial meeting with a new prospect differently.  It’s clear that proper preparation can be the action that leads to a successful outcome.  Both parties have expectations.  Understanding your prospects expectations and desired outcome almost always leads to a positive first impression.  Before your first meeting spend some time doing pre-meeting […]

Seuss-isms For Success

I’ve been blessed with great training in my career.  My first day in radio sales was spent with Chris Lytle, author of the Accidental Salesperson and one of my bosses.  In fact working with Chris and his partner Sarah 15 years later was the life changing career experience that allowed me to start my own […]


Business owners and sales people are driven to achieve goals.  The pressure to achieve your goals can create a sense of urgency that leads to anxiety and actions that can have a negative effect.  Setting specific dates for reaching goals sets up a win-lose situation.  Hit your goals by said date, you win.  Miss your […]

Walk in My Shoes

Our lives are filled with a steady flow of human interactions.  Whether it is personal or business, the human condition calls for people to communicate.  This basic human function requires us to interpret language and physical cues to help us understand the other person.  Empathy according to Wikipedia is defined as, “the intellectual identification of […]

Culture and Tradition

Having just returned from 4 days in the Wisconsin north woods to participate in the annual deer hunt, time spent in the forest brings the opportunity to reflect and clear the mind.  For me the highest quality thinking time requires a sense of solitude and quiet while observing the natural order. Traditional Wisconsin deer camps […]

Year End Strategic Planning

November and December are critical months for sales people and companies in terms of conducting a business review.  This real-time post performance analysis also begins the process and sets the tone for planning for the New Year.  Do you recall the goals you set for yourself or your company for the current year?  Did you […]