Author Archives: John Russell


Creating new processes and service takes courage.  You can do market research and determine how to design something new, or you can follow your instinct and just do it!  Innovate!  Wikipedia says innovation is, “the creation of better or more effective products, processes, services, technologies, or ideas that are accepted by markets, governments, and society. […]

The Incredible Google

We all know that Google is the most powerful search engine and perhaps the most powerful communication tool of all time.  They do incredible things and I’m grateful for their vision, engineering and design skills.  Yet they are merely human.  While trying to update my clients Google Places profile, I have found it incredibly frustrating […]

Competitive Selling

I always find it interesting when I’m preparing a proposal that will be reviewed and compared to other proposals.  Request For Proposal = RFP.  When I was in sales training full time as the Director of Sales for Apex Performance Systems, we often taught students how to navigate through an RFP.  Many times the best […]


Technorati is the leading Blog directory.  To claim your site you need to follow the claim registration, part of which includes placing a claim token in your blog to verify user validity. More on blog directories later. John

Improve your Google Ranking

I’m amazed the the steady flow of new tools and applications that Google is providing. We are in process towards developing a service set to help small business owners understand, engage and take action towards maximizing the opportunities that Google has brought forward.  If you have time to optimize your own website, this Google SEO […]

The Anti-Creativity Checklist by Youngme Moon

Youngme Moon understands the factors that prohibit people from being creative and opening up their minds to innovation.  See the You Tube video here: The wonderfully insightful and irreverent Ms. Moon also gives us this marvelous AntiCreativity Checklist“For People Who Want Nothing To Do with Pie-In-The-Sky Innovation, Crazy Flights of Imagination, or any of […]

The Optimist Creed

Promise Yourself- To be strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.  To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.  To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.  To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.  To think only of the […]

Singular Focus

Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg share a common trait. They both focused their talent on one thing.  Jobs focused on a better way to compute. Zuckerberg focused on how to build a network of friends. Focus on what you do best.  That’s what we do at The Business Source LLC. We specialize in helping small […]

Sales Training Planning for the New Year

Here are some great tips from Jeffrey Gitomer. Below is a list of actions for you to take right now. Not after the holidays. Not after the New Year. RIGHT NOW! 1. Train everyone in your company on positive attitude. This is not a promotional plug for my YES! Attitude book, rather it’s an undeniable […]