Author Archives: John Russell

Why Content Marketing Is King by Mikal E. Belicove

Mikal highlights the important of demonstrating your knowledge by publishing quality content using new media.  Enjoy the article. When it comes to marketing strategies, content marketing has just been crowned king, far surpassing search engine marketing, public relations and even print, television and radio advertising as the preferred marketing tool for today’s business-to-business entrepreneur. Late […]

Let’s Get Rid of Management

Many years ago I was gifted with the opportunity to participate in the Dale Carnegie Leadership Training Program.  One thing I kept is a short piece on leadership titled, “Let’s Get Rid of Management.”  It still applies.  Enjoy. People don’t want to be managed.  They want to be led.  Whoever heard of a world manager?  […]

Sixteen Ways to Earn True-Blue Trust and Credibility

An excerpt from Ken Brand’s book, “Less Blah Blah and More Ah Ha.” Trust is earned when we: • Treat others with respect and courtesy. • Communicate with calm confidence. • Listen more than talk. • Include facts, details, names, dates, statistics, testimonials, references, and sources. Strive to show, not tell. • Employ professional-grade tools, […]

25 Lessons from Jack Welch

1. Lead 2. Manage less 3. Articulate your vision 4. Simplify 5. Get less formal 6. Energize others 7. Face reality 8. See change as an opportunity 9. Get good ideas from everywhere 10. Follow up 11. Get rid of bureaucracy 12. Eliminate boundaries 13. Put values first 14. Cultivate leaders 15. Create learning culture […]

Sales Training and The Challenges We Face

It’s been almost two months since my last post. To say I’ve been busy is an understatement. Everywhere I go of late, the subject of sales brings looks of confusion in most cases. The business climate is very prosperous in some areas, and very dark and dismal in others. It depends on where you look […]

Madison College

Today I attended the Grow Your Business social media program at Madison College. Steve Noll facilitated a fun conversation on the impact of social media. He touched on the subject of Geotagging. According to Wikipedia, Geotagging (also written as GeoTagging) is the process of adding geographical identification metadata to various media such as photographs, video, […]

Set aside time and money for professional sales training.

Being proactive to establish a strategic employee development program should be part of every business owners strategic plan. Set aside funds in your annual budget and time in each employee’s schedule to participate in sales training sessions. Offer staffing coverage so that time away from the workplace does not translate into missed deadlines, below-standard service […]

Networking Effectiveness

Attending networking events on a regular basis should be part of your customer development strategy relating to increasing sales. I see two different ways people network at local business events. 1. Scan the entire room and skim, touching base quickly with 50%-70% of the attendees. 2. Pre-plan and focus on connecting with one or two […]

No Excuses! Solutions to Increase Sales

No Excuses! Solutions to Increase Sales Wednesday, April 13 Registration: 7:45am Session: 8:00 – 9:30am Location: Edgewood College’s Deming Way Campus, 1255 Deming Way (see map below) This ATE is included in your Chamber membership, but register here with the Chamber by Tuesday, April 12 or call 827-5797 The Program: Why do some executives, professionals […]

Dale Carnegie: How to Win Friends and Influence People

Part One Fundamental Techniques in Handling People Don’t criticize, condemn or complain. Give honest and sincere appreciation. Arouse in the other person an eager want. Part Two Six ways to make people like you Become genuinely interested in other people. Smile. Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important […]