The Internet has changed the way we communicate and interact with one another on so many levels. Social media has grown from being a channel for socializing into one of the most powerful digital marketing tools for brands and businesses. Although social media can come with it’s positives and negatives, it has proven to be a cost effective way to grow businesses.
The explosion of social media over the years has lead to 78 percent of Americans becoming active users. Within this number people spend on average just under five hours per day on the platforms. As you can see it is where the public spends a lot of its time. Almost 1/3rd of the time people are awake is spent on social media. This gives you so many opportunities to gain attention from the public right from their mobile devises or PC’s.
The way to gain their attention is by creating content relevant to their needs. Content is a very important part of any social media marketing strategy. It can make or break a reputation very easily which can lead to an increase in business or unfortunately a bad status on social media.
Having a social media platform and creating content are not the only two parts that make a whole social media strategy strive. Being active on the platform, liking, sharing and commenting, may be the most important part in the whole process. Presenting your voice and showing you care about your customers and prospective customers will build the trust and relationship you and your customers are looking for. This in turn will keep their business with you without ever second-guessing to go with a competitor.
Not until you have created the full circle in your social media marketing campaign will you see the results you’re looking for. Not only that, but your current customers will do your marketing for you by referring others to your business and sharing your work on social media platforms. But even when this occurs doesn’t mean you should holdback on your own marketing efforts.
Don’t be left in the dust. Social media is an ever-growing business in itself and is becoming one of the strongest marketing tools for communicating, interacting and catching the attention of customers. Your competitors WILL being moving forward with social media don’t be left out!
Thanks for learning with us and feel free to contact us at John@thebusinesssourcellc.com for any question or future content ideas that you would like to see!