Social media marketing is a time consuming process no matter what industry you’re in. Things have changed; no more is it all about sharing great content. You have to spend time monitoring and analyzing what is working and not working in your efforts as well as engaging with your followers. Your efforts on social media should be daily. But as a small business it can be very challenging to dedicate time every day.
We have three tips for you that can make your social media efforts more efficient and successful by streamlining the process.
Share Content that is already trending in your industry. Nothing on social media takes more time than creating your own content. And even before that, deciding what subject will catch the attention of your customers is very difficult and take a lot of research in itself. Social mention is a tool you can use to search what is trending around different industries, which cuts out the guessing when it comes to wondering what people are interested in. And if people are already buzzing about a certain subject matter your followers will probably care to and be more likely to share and engage with your content.
Engage with influencers in your industry or customers you have that have a strong presence on social media. You can make the most out of your marketing efforts by targeting these types of people. If their following is large or they are highly active there is more potential for them to stretch out your content to a larger audience. Often times these people have a strong voice that is heard as an authority in social media communities. However, all of your followers matter so don’t leave any one out but proactively reaching out to influencers can speed up your efforts.
The creation of a content calendar can allow you to have more time to be engaged with your followers. Rather than always researching and writing content or logging into your social media account every time you want to share a post. Streamlining your marketing efforts can be done by compiling your content into a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly schedule. Posts such as testimonials, blog content, product or employ highlights and photos can be scheduled way in advance with a social media-marketing tool such as Hootsuite.
Thanks for learning with us and feel free to contact us at John@thebusinesssourcellc.com for any question or future content ideas that you would like to see!