Author Archives: John Russell

Our Competitive Advantage

The world of advertising is changing dramatically. We can help you create better messaging strategies that are relevant to your target market and assist you with cost effective approaches that get results.

Social Media

Social media is an important component of an overall communications strategy. As business people realize, when social media is correctly executed, it works to support all marketing and sales efforts and brings better overall business results.

The Current State of Mobile Media

This article researched by Cisco highlights the current state of the mobile device market. Connection speeds doubled in 2012. Growth is mobile devices is skyrocketing.  Check out this SlideShare presentation.   If  you have thought about bringing your sales and marketing strategy into the age of mobile, visit mobizmedia to learn how you […]

Half Way Through the Calendar Year to Hit Your Sales Goal

How far along are you towards reaching your sales goal for the year.  By July you should be close to 75%.  By September you should be at 90%.  Because selling new business in October and November to close before December 31st is very difficult.  Sure there will be orders and new business in the 4th […]

The Future of Advertising

In the March issue of Harvard Business Review, Sunil Gupta writes about the impact smartphones and mobile devices are having on advertising.  In short, screen size minimizes the users experience related to ads with text and icons to small to be functional.  “Instead of buying tiny banner advertisements, markets should create apps that add value […]