Category Archives: Sales Training

Sales Training services in Madison Wisconsin

Reach, Frequency and Consistency

In order to have a consistent presence in front of your target audience, you have to be able to generate enough quality information, that’s relevant to your audience in a sustainable and affordable way, so that when a triggering event occurs in your prospects life that they think of you first and feel best about […]

The Mentally Strong Leader by Scott Mautz

Over time I’ve come to appreciate learning from people much smarter than me.  My dad taught me to understand that great leaders often surround themselves with people smarter than themselves and let them do their job.  Then lead and manage as necessary so that everyone stays on the same page towards growth and innovation. Along […]

Keeping Your Blog Current

WOW I just checked my website blog and discovered I have not posted any new blogs since August 4th, 2021.  Maybe it’s  because I’ve been writing blog posts for my clients every week instead of managing my own page.  Maybe it’s because that’s when I started writing my book, Be A Standup Leader:  The ABC’s […]

How To Get The Appointment

HOW TO GET THE APPOINTMENT There’s 3 main considerations to begin the process to get the appointment with the decision maker.  Prequalify through research to establish an understanding of the client situation and problem you can solve.  Open the relationship and begin to establish trust with the gatekeeper and the decision maker. Earn the opportunity […]

Business Owners in Wisconsin

My guess is that you’ve been affected by Covid 19. This pandemic has caused everyone to evaluate operations, process, procedures, marketing and sales. What happens when potential customers need your product or service? Do they trust you? Do they trust your people? Do they trust your process? How are you communicating the answers to their […]

Understanding your Myers Briggs Personality Type in Selling

Three weeks ago I attended my third class at Wizard Academy in Austin, Texas.  The class was titled, “How to Get and Keep Customers”.  Perfect for someone like me whose life revolves around finding new ways to help business owners increase sales.  In the months ahead I’ll be sharing bits and pieces from what I […]

The Road

“’Sherpa’ means ‘Easterner’ in Tibetan; and the Sherpas who settled in Khambu about 450 years ago are a peace-loving Buddhist people from the Eastern shore of the plateau. They are also compulsive travelers; and in Sherpa-country every track is marked with cairns and prayer-flags, reminding you that Man’s real home is not a house, but […]

Upcoming Videos

Upcoming Videos Marking topics include:  Design, radio, newspaper, ad blockers, video, lighting, editing and digital advertising.