Increase in sales and profit within a predictable timeline.
Short term improvement doesn’t sustain long term growth.
Selecting the right sales trainer is critical to success.
Conduct a comprehensive and objective assessment of your sales training requirements.
The purpose of sales training is to improve the sales person’s capability to sell within your company’s sales training process or create new sales training methodologies and executable strategies to strengthen your existing sales process.
Quality sales training requires behavioral change and improvement.
This could require change management and ongoing reinforcement.
All sales training requires owner/stakeholder buy in and participation to be successful.
All sales training needs to be built on your company’s selling process and in alignment with your customers and prospects buying process.
What’s the gap between how your customers buy and how you sell?
What trends exist in your market related to sales and competition?
What alternative approaches to you have on deck?
What process variations have your strategically determined work best?
What justification and buying criteria exist that you need to know about?
What budget do you have ready and committed to sales training?
What is your compelling need for sales training?
Have you adapted your sales process to your customers buying process?
Do you want to work with a big sales company from outside your market or a smaller local company that lives in and knows your market?
Choose 3, interview and determine which sales training company is the best fit for you. Contact John to learn how The Business Source LLC can have a positive impact on your sales results. We’re located in Madison, Wisconsin and serve companies in Wisconsin and Minnesota.