Keeping Your Blog Current

WOW I just checked my website blog and discovered I have not posted any new blogs since August 4th, 2021.  Maybe it’s  because I’ve been writing blog posts for my clients every week instead of managing my own page.  Maybe it’s because that’s when I started writing my book, Be A Standup Leader:  The ABC’s of Doing Things Right.  Maybe it’s because I launched a new VLOG(Video Blog)/Podcast last year and have been concentrating my energy and focus on videos.

Either way, today is the day I’m coming back around to provide a fresh post on my website.  Websites are interesting.  Everyone including website designers and developers has a different take on how they should look, function and be laid out.  Everyone has an opinion.

And everyone is right.  It’s a personal preference.  How do I want the public to see me and my business?  What information am I communicating and with what goal in mind.

In all my work over the past 4 decades, one aspect of my work I’ve enjoyed at a very high level is website design and development.  Every website project takes a team.  Every website needs a good writer to generate the written content.  Every website needs a great designer to layout the branding elements, the look, feel and functionality of the design.  And every website needs a skilled web developer that can build out what others design and desire.

I look at my website periodically and if I feel that there are outdated or non-relevant aspects I make changes.  It’s these periodic updates that make website perform better.

If your website hasn’t been reviewed recently, give me a call and let’s meet and I’ll share with you my observations through the lens of your customer.  I’m good at that.  No charge.  Let’s talk.  And don’t forget to post a fresh blog post every now and then.