Every year we get to October and the focus is on completing pending and existing projects that have been in process or are just ramping up as 4th quarter projects. This is the time of year we should begin planning for the next year. This is also the time of year when our commitment to our jobs, our passion and our clients should be increasing to the highest levels of the year. Finish strong is not just a cliche’. It means just that. Push to the finish line. Innovate. Pursue new ideas. I reminded one of my sales training clients this past week that when your stuck and can’t seem to connect with existing clients or prospects, the best way forward is to dig deeper into the industry your client is in and discover new trends, ideas and opportunities that maybe your prospect hasn’t considered. Challenge your client’s to think ahead and consider new ideas. I learned once that the only way to create a change in behavior in your prospects is to present them with something new for them to consider. New ideas = new consideration. You’ll be amazed when you look at things from your client’s perspective what you will see. Dig deep, finish strong and start preparing for the new year.