One of the main reasons I started The Business Source LLC in 2008 was that small and medium sized companies were facing dire straits with the recession coming on strong. When sales plummet and people stop buying where do you go for help?
What do I do first? Do I focus on my sales training? My sales process? My sales people? Which way do I look to get sales moving in a profitable direction?
Should I change my advertising? Should I provide a better customer experience? Should I work on some innovative ideas to make my product or service even better than the competition? Should I make changes to my website?
Should I try direct mail? Outdoor?
All these options are expensive, especially if they don’t work.
As a business owner where can you turn for honest advice, counsel and what might work best to boost sales?
Most business owners start making calls, or start taking meetings with sales people who have a “solution” to your sales problem.
To fully evaluate all your options you might have to meet with 3, 4 or more sales reps. Who can you believe? Who can you trust? Isn’t their motivation to sell their product first? You just happen to be the lucky business owner.
Or you can call The Business Source. We’re really good at helping you find the right solution without taking all those sales calls and meetings. We work with many business owners and understand markets and consumers. We’ll recommend the best strategy for you, not what’s best for me as the sales person who wants you to buy my product.
We’re independent. We’re objective. And we only want what’s best for you.
The next time you ask yourself, “what can I do to help increase my sales and bottom line profits?”
Call or email John at The Business Source LLC. john@thebusinesssourcellc.com (608) 445-7462
We’ll get you started heading in a better direction. You’ll begin to see results immediately. And we’ll help you craft a long-term plan that is focused on you and your company first.