Over time I’ve come to appreciate learning from people much smarter than me. My dad taught me to understand that great leaders often surround themselves with people smarter than themselves and let them do their job. Then lead and manage as necessary so that everyone stays on the same page towards growth and innovation.
Along the way I learned about the blog Scott Mautz was delivering on a consistent basis. He’s an experience leadership guru and author. In todays blog he writes about Warren Buffet and his teaching that discipline is one critical aspect of being a great leader.
Here’s an excerpt from today’s blog by Scott Mautz.
“Warren Buffett has shared, more than once, the key to achieving – in investing, leadership, or life. And it might not be what you expect. Buffett:
“We don’t have to be smarter than the rest. We have to be more disciplined than the rest.”
That’s a tall, far-reaching order. But I can help you get maximum “bang for the buck” when it comes to being more disciplined (and thus achieving more).
Become mentally stronger. I’ll explain.
I asked 3,000 executives in organizations around the world, this question:
“Thinking of the highest-achieving organizations you’ve ever been part of, that overcame the most obstacles, what attributes/behaviors did the key leader embody?”
An astonishing 91% described the same profile; a leader with tremendous mental discipline; that is, they show great resilience, confidence, boldness, they excel at decision-making and keeping everyone focused on the goal, while exuding positivity and having a quality to their presence/intent.
When I followed up and asked respondents to describe that leader in one or two words, choosing from a long pick list of options I provided, 95% chose the words, “mentally strong.”
I believe mental strength is the achievement superpower of our times; an incredibly efficient way to become more disciplined. After all, think about when you’re acting without discipline; odds are your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors aren’t helping. Mental strength is learning to productively regulate all of that, even in adversity (when discipline can easily fall by the wayside). It’s about strengthening six mental muscles: fortitude, confidence, boldness, goal-focus, decision-making, and messaging (staying positive-minded and having a quality to your presence/intent).
Begging your pardon for the commercial that follows, but I can assure you, many 5-star reviews, praise from famous executives, and now, even an inventory run on Amazon over the holidays, has shown what many are discovering. My latest release, The Mentally Strong Leader, helps you become dramatically more disciplined. Be disciplined and pick up a copy!”