Author Archives: John Russell

How to Develop Relationships Using Social Media

  Now that you have created an audience with the content you have been putting up and engaging with prospects, you have to develop a relationship. The trust with prospects is how you turn them into customers. Now, I know must of us know we have to make relationships with our customers in order to […]

All Purchase Decisions Are Made By People

We recently touched on the importance of being a sales resource for business owners.  Here’s a well stated summary of a recent article by Gavin Finn of Kaon Interactive. According to a paper by Gavin Finn, president & CEO of Kaon Interactive, posted by Chief Marketer, B2C and B2B marketers must look at both the […]

Content Attraction

  Last week we talked about why social media for small business is no longer a question. As we have transitioned into the age of the attention economy the question comes up about how to get content in front of the audience we want to see it. “Attention is a resource- a person only has […]

Why Social Media?

  For years it has been a question for many small business owners whether or not social media is a worthwhile investment. Now, it’s no longer a question if you should be using social media, but how to use it effectively to increase sales for your business. People think social media is free, and it’s […]

New Social Media Marketing Manager

  I’m excited to announce that I’ve been selected as the new Social Media Marketing Manager with The Business Source LLC. Hi I’m Brandon Kappel. As a recent graduate from the University of Wisconsin Madison I am excited to what my future holds helping companies create, develop and execute social media marketing campaigns. This position […]

25 Website Must Haves

The fundamentals that go into designing and developing a website can determine whether or not your online marketing is working to increase sales.