Strategic Sales Strategy Planning for 2016

Business Coaching


As we approach the 4th quarter, planning begins to push to reach the goals set for this year and start thinking about how you’ll innovate, develop new products and services, and set goals for 2016.  Starting now will help you have your plan in place and in motion by mid-December so you’ll be in full swing by January 1st.  This is the times to identify internal issues that need fixing and to review your resources to make sure you’re in position for growth.  Recruiting talent should be a top priority.  Ensuring that everyone on your team understands the customer service mission and how to handle various customer experiences is also key right now.  Everyone needs to communicate to your customers that no one cares more than you do.

What do you want your customer experience to be?  Train your staff to meet them where they are mentally, physically and professionally.

Even though it’s often ignored, developing a strategic plan for sales training should be a critical component for your action plan in the first quarter.

Everyone inside your company is involved in sales or customer engagement in some way.  People want to be lead.  They want to buy into your vision.  The only way they can be passionate about your business and your customers experience is if you help them see your vision.  Outline your action plan for the new year and share it with your staff.  Don’t make the mistake of overlooking sales training.

What does sales training look like inside your company?  Not just for your sales people but for your entire organization?  Take the first step.  Call me to schedule a phone conference to determine if The Business Source LLC can assist you in developing a cost effective sales training initiative.